The greatest sacrifice

The other day someone on the radio mentioned that Jesus made the tree He was crucified on and that got me to thinking. Jesus didn’t just make the tree, but He also made the raw materials from which the nails that held Him to the cross were made and the hammer that pound those nails into His hands and feet were made as well as the spear that pierced His side. He also created the ground in which the cross was placed as well as the plant whose thorny vines were placed upon His head. He even created the “water” (vinegar) that was given Him to drink while he was on the cross.

Even before the cross, He created the animal from which the leather was made that created the whip that beat Him. And ultimately it was ‘man’, created in God’s image, who whipped Him, who pounded those nails into His hands and feet, and who crucified Him.

We may somewhat imagine how horrible the crucifixion itself was, but how much more horrible and painful for Him that everything He made participated in that crucifixion.

As we soon celebrate Easter, may we be reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us as well as for all of His creation. May our praise of Jesus be even greater as we are reminded that He redeemed all of His creation, not just us, through His sacrifice and His conquering death by rising from the grave after three days.

If you do not already know Jesus and what He did for you, then please know that He sacrificed Himself for you. He paid the penalty for your sins and that through His sacrifice on the cross, through His death, and ultimately through His rising from the dead three days later, He is presenting you with the gift of life. All you need to do is accept Jesus’ gift.

Romans 10.9
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

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